BYLAWSARTICLE 1. — DefinitionsSection
1.The name of the chapter is the Snake River Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (referred to hereafter as "Snake River SPJ" or "the chapter").
Section 2.Snake River SPJ encompasses north central Idaho and adjoining sections of eastern Washington as a state chapter of the national Society of Professional Journalists. The chapter is a member of the national organization’s Region 10 — including Oregon, Alaska, Washington, Idaho and Montana.
Section 3.Snake River SPJ was founded Feb. 25, 2006.
Section 4."Meetings" refers to regularly scheduled meetings of Snake River SPJ’s board of directors.
ARTICLE II — Membership
Section 1.SPJ members must be journalists or journalism educators as their primary occupations.People engaged in public relations, advertising and other professions related to journalism, but not directly involved in the independent gathering and dissemination of news, are eligible for associate membership.
Section 2.Any national dues-paying member of the Society of Professional who works or resides in Idaho or eastern Washington is considered eligible for membership in Snake River SPJ.Chapter membership carries a suggested donation of $12.
ARTICLE III —. Organization
Section 1.Snake River SPJ is governed by a board of directors with no less than five and no more than 10 members.
Section 2.Vacancies of the board of directors are filled by a majority vote of the existing board members attending an official meeting of the chapter.
Section 3.The board is governed by four officers — the president, vice president, secretary-treasurer and open records chair.
Section 4.Board officers are elected to one-year terms during an annual meeting, open to the entire membership of the chapter. All chapter members present are eligible to vote on board officers.
Section 5.Board members and officers may be voted out of office by a majority vote of the entire board of directors.
Section 6.There are no limitations on the number of terms a board officer may serve. However, prudence and tradition advise that officers limit their service to two terms.
Section 7.Chapter bylaws may only be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire board of directors.
ARTICLE IV — Meetings
Section 1.The board of directors of Snake River SPJ meets at noon on the second Saturday of each month. The exact meeting place is determined by a vote of the board.
Section 2.Other issues concerning the board, as they arise, are addressed with teleconferences, e-mails and other forms of long-distance communication.
Section 3.The president may call special board meetings, if warranted, by providing board members at least two weeks’ notice of the meeting. The exact time, date and location of the meeting will be decided by a consensus of the board members.
Section 4.All actions taken by the chapter will be decided by a majority vote of the board members. During scheduled board meetings, the decisions will be made by a majority of the board members present. Decisions made outside board meetings must be approved by a majority of the entire board.
Section 5.The board of directors will hold an annual membership meeting, open to all chapter members. The exact meeting time and place will be determined by a majority vote of the entire board. Members will be given at least a month’s notice of the meeting.
ARTICLE V. Officer Responsibilities
ection 1.The president will be primarily responsible for the operation of the chapter. He or she will:* Direct chapter meetings.* Maintain chapter records, including both financial and historic documentation.* Communicate chapter information with the board of directors, general membership and the public at large.
Section 2.The vice president shall assist the president with the duties outlined above and serve as president should the president become unable to fulfill his or her duties.
Section 3.The secretary-treasurer acts as the recording officer for the chapter. The secretary-treasurer will:* Record and maintain minutes of chapter meetings.* Maintain similar records of all chapter activities.* Oversee the finances of the chapter and make regular reports to the board of directors.
Section 4.The open records chair assumes responsibility for chapter activities designed to promote open government and freedom of the press. The open records chair will coordinate activities to promote open government and freedom of the press among journalists, government officials and the public at large.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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